Top: Look over there, there's been an accident, Pencil drawing
Circle: Rudolf counts his wayward sheep, Gouache and watercolour
Twenty years of my Christmas cards and poems in a 32 pages Brochure.
Shaun & Claire Smyth
"Pole Emploi" Pencil drawing on paper. Actual size : xxx x xxx To be anlarged by a factor of xx% and be printed on a 1 x 4 meter canvas.
Born in 1943 in the West country of England, of Irish father and English mother. After getting a degree of Master of Arts at the Royal college of Art in London, Left Great Britain to live an artistic nomadic life. Married to a Swiss Romande, (French speaking), He now lives just outside Geneva in the Free-zone, in the Ain.
Principal exhibitions (Individual stand at International Art Shows.)
Bâle Foire de L’Art (one-man)
IKI, Kunstmesse Dusseldorf. (one-man)
Principal collective exhibitions since 2002
Yverdon, Les Artistes de la Cartotheque 2002
Yverdon Cartotheque. “Merci de ne pas nourri des artistes”. 2004
Genève. Large format etchings, Centre -l’art contemporain de l’ile. 2005
Belley. 1ere Biennal d’art sacré (religious Art) 2006
Genève. Europ’Art. (International) 2008
Lyon, Salon d’hiver. 2009
Principal collective exhibitions before 2000
Neuchâtel, Neuch’Art (one man)
Bremen, Germany. Der Magische aspekt
Rome, Via Margutta, (Ciente Pittura)
Regular collective exhibitions
GeGrav. 2006-16. (Genève. Committee member for 8 years)
Arpadi (Divonne-les-Bains)
Personal exhibitions
Galerie O’local, Estavayer (Switzerland) 2010
Amsterdam, Henricus
Ladenburg (Germany.) Galerie Herzog,
Genève, Bernard Letu
Genève, Maunoir
Other Solo exhibitions: Lausanne (Blanc), Neuchatel (Atelier de l’Ecluse), Le Locle (Yallah), Mixed; La Chaux-de-Fonds et Fribourg (Avry), Geneva (Villa Dutoit 2005) London, and Northampton (Town and County Art Exhibitions, Three artists, Young Alive, Abingdon Park Art Exhibitions) Rabaul, Port Moresby (both in Papua New Guinea), Riyadh (Saudi Arabia).
Illustrator, graphist (medical illustrator at WHO. 17.5 years), Archeology, Museum (Lataenium, Neuchâtel), Postage stamp graphism. Taught & lived several years in Papua New Guinea and Saudi Arabia.
M.Art (RCA): Royal College of Art (Lon). Fine Art Printmaking
A.T.C.(B’ham) Birmingham Art teachers College & University
Art Teachers Certificate & Cert. in Education (B’ham)
N.D.D.: Northampton Sch. of Art. Nat. Diploma in design, (Illustration & illumin.)
May and June 1968, Travelling Scolarship at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris.
Award to visit Florence (Italy) 1964
Divonne-les-Bains, June 25, 2019